Hyndla expands capabilities with PLC engineer

Victor Dropet joined the Hyndla team last month. With over ten years of specialised experience as a PLC engineer he will be a crucial part of our ever expanding portfolio of services.

Victor has successfully executed more than 20 projects for a variety of clients across Europe. Mainly developing, implementing and troubleshooting automation systems for warehouses and water treatment plants. He will now be putting his skills and experience towards the offshore wind industry, starting with SCADA systems for light and instrument controls.

Victor is deeply committed to knowledge sharing and fostering growth within the automation industry and in his spare time he teaches PLC courses to students and educators, imparting valuable insights gained from his own experiences.

Victor holds a master's degree in High Voltage Engineering from the Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi"  Iasi (Romania).

Welcome on board Victor!


Please welcome our newest student intern!